Visit Hickman County!
Throughout Hickman County there are many opportunities to experience the arts, music, cultural heritage, and much more. See what we have to offer! |
Historic Downtown Centerville
Historic Downtown Centerville, Inc., was created in 1999 by volunteers concerned about the faltering business climate in the downtown area. Since then, we have led the push for sidewalks, lighting, a traffic reroute and grants to encourage building owners to improve their facades. Our ongoing Christmas Open House and Tree Lighting during the holiday season -- featuring a homemade 30-foot Christmas tree -- has become a major attraction and has brought other groups into the effort to make the downtown area more prosperous. We also have published two books of real stories about life and times in Centerville and Hickman County; we've just run out of one and are reprinting. Several new projects should be completed in 2023. We are a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Donations may be sent to P.O. Box 95, Centerville TN 37033. We meet on the first Monday of each month at 4 p.m. in the chamber's office. Visitors welcome. Since 2011, Grinders Switch Foundation has lent its grant writing and fundraising capacity towards this project. |
Hickman County
Quilt Guild Each year the Hickman County Quilt Guild has an exhibit of priceless quilts from the area that showcases the folk art practiced for centuries. The 100 plus vintage and contemporary quilts on exhibit for two days are photographed. The history of the piece, its maker, and the style of the quilt are documented. This becomes the content of the Annual Quilt Book, which is produced by the Hickman County Quilt Guild under the auspices of the Grinders Switch Foundation (GSF). GSF generates grant funding for the artistic contributions to the book. |
Concert Series
For several years, Hickman County has been fortunate to offer several concert series; concerts which introduce outstanding performers to the community. The events take place at exceptional venues around the county: East Hickman High School Auditorium, Molly’s Place on the Square, and the Hickman County Ag Pavilion/Fairgrounds. Grinders Switch Foundation has hosted the Jason Petty Trio twice, bringing us the music of Hank Williams and Elvis Presley. In addition, we presented The Tennessee Fiddle Ensemble, which played traditional tunes indigenous to our county. |
Art on the Square
A collaboration of exhibits, art auctions, music, and art marathons gives rise to this project. Grinders Switch Foundation coordinates artists, artwork, and logistics in conjunction with events produced by the Hickman County Chamber of Commerce, the Hickman County Arts & Crafts Guild, and Historic Downtown Centerville. The theatrical spectacle, Spider!, was performed in the basement theatre known locally as Molly's Place, enriching the Halloween on the Square festivities. |